Monday, August 1, 2011


Pondering is based on the design requirements of the shape of a big process, the operation is usually divided into two sub-grinding cutting and carving process.

Cutting process is relatively simple, that is, remove the stone with leather cutting tools (if any) and outline the design other than odd bits. Moreover, we have dredged the defects can not be used or dirty spots, remove impede the design of the "sand D" or miscellaneous stone, and so on. Finally, get a prototype of the tiffany heart necklace and bracelet material billet begun. Jade carving industry within this procedure in some of the basic techniques have special names, such as voltage, invited for, buckle and so on. Voltage is cut, cut unwanted parts; invited for is to edges and corners; point deduction is to be dredged dirty or "sand small" miscellaneous stone. In fact, this approach is also used for carving grinding process. Cutting tools are mainly from the cutting action of the voltage blunt, chisel thallium, wire sub-saws, saws, buckle live machine and so on.

Eagle Mill is the shape of the design process, the basic techniques and procedures are red, grinding, blunt hook, etc.

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